Today made it 15 years Allah Azzawajallah called my father, Sheikh (Alh) Mudashiru Bintinlaye RTA to the great beyond (10/10/2007).
I lost the right words to describe the unfill-able loophole your absence created in my mind. Your rememberance has always been emotional and pensive times. There are so many memories to share and so much love to express.
You may not be with me any more, but my love for you will never die. You were the guiding light in my life, and today, I’m especially reminded how lucky I was to have you for as long as I did.
Every day I remember you in my prayer, in my thoughts. Your memory can never be forgotten.
Fathers are defenders, mentors, and unwavering supporters. You as my father never fell short of these and more adjectives.
My father Sheikh Mudashiru Bintinlaye RTA, alhamdulillah for all the memories we shared together. I only wish you were here to make more.
15 years and counting. Continue to rest in God’s glory. Out of sight, but a major part of my existence. In my memory, you will live as long as I do. I pray Allah azzawajallah grant you eternal peace. You are always loved and celebrated.
It’s been 15 years since you passed, but it feels like only yesterday. The pain of losing you is still as fresh as ever. I believe you are in a good place now, which comforts me. But I still miss you so much, and I always will. People say that time heals every pain. But even after years, every day I’m carrying the pain of losing you.
You taught me to be strong. Never knew I would have to use this strength to live without you.
Good night, my father Sheikh (Alh) Mudashiru Bintinlaye RTA, till we meet to part no more.
(c) Honourable Bukoye Marooph Bintinlaye