In a tragic incident, a group of hoodlums, led by a man identified as Rich Otokwame, also known as Chinaranbo, has reportedly raped a 14-year-old girl (name withheld) to the point of coma in the Oghara Community of Ethiope-West Local Government Area, Delta State.
The assault took place on December 8, 2024, as confirmed by our correspondence.
The primary suspect is currently in custody at the Oghara Police Division.
SP Bright Edafe, the Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, verified the incident in a text message to our correspondent in Warri, stating, “Confirmed.”
Human rights activist Comrade Israel Joe, who brought the situation to the attention of our correspondent, is urging the Divisional Police Officer and police authorities to ensure that both the suspect and his accomplices are prosecuted under the law.