February 23, 2025

The Institute of Noetic Sciences in California described the field in arcane and abstruse language, defining it as the study of mankind’s

“direct and immediate access to knowledge beyond what is available to our normal senses and the power of reason.”

The word noetic, derived from the ancient Greek nous—translating
roughly to “inner knowledge” or “intuitive consciousness.”

Despite Noetic Science’s use of cutting-edge technologies, the discoveries themselves were far more mystical than the cold, high-tech machines that were producing them.

The stuff of magic and myth was fast becoming reality as the shocking new data poured in, all of it supporting the basic ideology of Noetic Science—the untapped potential of the
human mind.

The overall thesis was simple: We have barely scratched the surface of our mental and spiritual capabilities.

Experiments at facilities like the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in California and the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) had categorically proven that
human thought, if properly focused, had the ability to affect and change physical mass.

Their experiments were no “spoon-bending” parlor tricks, but rather highly controlled inquiries that all produced the same extraordinary result: our thoughts actually interacted with the physical world, whether or not we knew it, effecting change all the way down to the subatomic realm.

Mind over matter.

In 2001, in the hours following the horrifying events of September 11, the field of Noetic Science made a quantum leap forward. Four scientists discovered that as the frightened
world came together and focused in shared grief on this single tragedy, the outputs of thirty-seven different Random Event Generators around the world suddenly became significantly less random. Somehow, the oneness of this shared experience, the
coalescing of millions of minds, had affected the randomizing function of these machines, organizing their outputs and bringing order from chaos.

The shocking discovery, it seemed, paralleled the ancient spiritual belief in a “cosmic consciousness”—a vast coalescing of human intention that was actually capable of
interacting with physical matter. For centuries the “brightest minds” on earth had ignored the ancient sciences, mocking them as ignorant superstitions, arming themselves instead with smug skepticism and
dazzling new technologies—tools that led them only further from the truth.

Every generation’s breakthroughs are proven false by the next generation’s technology. And so it had gone through the ages. The more man learned, the more he realized he did not know.

For millennia, mankind had wandered in the darkness . . . but now, as had been prophesied, there was a change coming. After hurtling blindly through history, mankind had reached a crossroads. This moment had been predicted long ago, prophesied by the ancient texts, by the primeval calendars, and even by the stars themselves. The date was specific, its arrival imminent. It would be preceded by a brilliant explosion of knowledge
. . . a flash of clarity to illuminate the darkness and give mankind a final chance to veer away from the abyss and take the path of wisdom.

As Noetic Science experiments grow bolder, results became more astounding. Their works in laboratory has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that “mind over matter” was not just some New Age self-help mantra. The mind had the ability to alter the state of matter itself, and, more important, the mind had the power to encourage the physical world to
move in a specific direction.

We are the masters of our own universe.

At the subatomic level, research had shown that particles themselves came in and out of existence based solely on intention to observe them. In a sense, desire to see a particle . . . manifested that particle. Heisenberg had hinted at this reality decades ago, and now it had be come a fundamental principle of Noetic Science.

In the words of Lynne McTaggart: “Living consciousness somehow is the influence that turns the possibility of something into something real. The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.

The most astonishing aspect the N. Science work, however, had been the realization that the mind’s ability to affect the physical world could be augmented through practice.
Intention was a learned skill. Like meditation, harnessing the true power of “thought” required practice. More important . . . some people were born more skilled at it than others. And throughout history, there had been those few who had become true masters.

This is the missing link between modern science and ancient mysticism.

“The key to our scientific future is hidden in our past.

Recently, studies in mass meditation and prayer had produced similar results in Random Event Generators, fueling the claim that human consciousness, as Noetic author Lynne McTaggart described it, was a substance outside the confines of the body . . . a highly ordered energy capable of changing the physical
world. The field’s students are mostly fascinated by McTaggart’s book The Intention Experiment,
and her global, Web-based study theintentionexperiment.com—aimed at discovering how human intention could affect the world. A handful of other progressive texts can also piqued students’ interest.

Edited by Jimson Jaat Taofik
Facebook: Jimoh Taofik Adekunle
Phone: 08144510532
Email: Deskofinsanity96@gmail.com
Viz: #DBN: Dan Brown Notes

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