In a harrowing incident, bandits raided the Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara, Okene in Kogi State on Thursday night, abducting several students. Eyewitnesses reported that the assailants struck around 9 p.m. as students were engrossed in preparations for their upcoming examinations.
According to accounts, the bandits infiltrated the university premises through the surrounding bush, entering three lecture halls where students were gathered. They unleashed terror by firing shots into the air, creating chaos and panic among the students.
Trapped inside the halls, the students faced a terrifying ordeal as the bandits proceeded to seize them. However, the quick response of local security guards and conventional security personnel stationed at the gate helped limit the extent of the attack, preventing the assailants from advancing beyond the initial three halls.
The students, who had been gearing up for their first-semester exams scheduled to commence on Monday, May 13, found themselves thrust into a nightmare scenario when the bandits struck unexpectedly.
One student, speaking on condition of anonymity, recounted how he and his peers sought refuge in the bush, staying hidden for over an hour until the area fell silent and safe to emerge.
While confirming the incident, Vice Chancellor of CUSTEC, Prof. Abdulraman Asipita, declined to disclose the exact number of abducted students but assured that measures were being taken to address the situation.
Efforts to obtain further information from Kogi State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Bethrand Onuoha, and Retired Cdre Jerry Omodara, State Security Adviser, were unsuccessful as they could not be reached for comment.
The abduction incident underscores the pervasive threat of kidnapping for ransom in various parts of the country, highlighting the urgent need for concerted efforts to enhance security and safeguard lives and property.