February 22, 2025

The Offa Descendants’ Union, ODU, under the leadership of Alhaji Azeez Muideen Olaniyi Salako, *has extended Christmas greetings to Christians across the world.* The union described *Christmas as a period to remind all of God’s love for humanity and the need to uphold the virtues of compassion, tolerance, and love.*

While congratulating Christians across the world, *particularly those in Offa and its environs, the union enjoined them to rededicate themselves and remain steadfast in prayers against all the challenges bedevilling the nation and humanity in general.* The union prays that *the blessings of God and His word fill the lives of all with peace, joy, and good health.*

*Idowu Muhydeen Oladipo (IMO)*
_National Social Secretary and Acting NPRO, ODU National Headquarters, Offa_

December 25, 2023

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