By Akinsulu Bamidele
The existing advocation for Girl-child education will soon be overtaken by Advocation for Boy-child education with the way things are going now in Nigeria. It may not be now but in decade or less than decade ,many civil society organization will be on the street, media ,church and mosque with sole responsibility of advocating for Boy-child education.
Akinsulu Bamidele writes from Mass Communication Department, The Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State.
What we have before is advocating for girl- child education where people, organization, government are preaching against depriving female child access to quality education like their male counterpart. But with the invention and high rising of cybercrime in Nigeria, the boy child are currently loosing interest in education and going for fastest way to wealth .
As a student with practical experience ,the male children of now adays,prefer to do anything that could fetch them money faster than sitting in the classroom for learning. The 75% of higher institutions male students cannot even stay for 2 hours again in the class ,this show that majority of them are fast loosing interest in education .
This issue of loosing interest in education by male youth is not limited to particular tribe, religion ,region or ethnic ,it happens across Nigeria.
For Instance,taken polytechnic as an experiment, the number of the female admitted students is higher than the rate of the male students ,this is so because the male’s interest in education is getting low.
One of the major factors that cause this is the high rate of school fees across our institutions. Recently, there is a proposed school fees at Ekiti State University which proposed almost million naira for the fresh students of the university. Obviously 80% of the parent of those students cannot afford it and when it is not affordable, it can be avoidable. The high rate of school fees is one of the factors fighting against the male youth in Nigeria and making them loosing interest in education.
Another factor militating against boy-child education is the rate at which yahoo and ritual is becoming business in Nigeria which happen among male youths. Many young guys are using expensive car already and living expensively without any traceable means and no formal education. They are making money by all means even if it is illegally ,they don’t care,they are only interested in making money.
With the rate at which male youths are loosing interest in education in Nigeria and taking every route to accumulate wealth faster, one could say that in the few years to come,there will be Boy-Child education advocator across Nigeria and it may be too late then.
To tackle this rising maiden issue and nip it in the bud,Government at all level should rise up to their responsibility. The federal and state government should ease the burden of the parents by making education attainable for the son and daughters of tax payers and reduce the payable fees affordable across our higher institutions. Another means to halt the rising rate of educational withdrawal by male children is to ensure that there is availability of labour with good salaries. Government should create empowerment for the jobless graduate and empowerment to make thing easier for the youths. When this are taken cognisance off and improvement made,we can then be confident that the male-child education advocation will not take place because boy child will start having interest again in education.
Akinsulu Bamidele writes from Mass Communication Department, The Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State.