February 25, 2025

Matthew 22:21 and Mark 12:17

This is one of the most misinterpreted verses of the Bible. Historically and Biblically, Jesus was born and lived in the days of Augustus Octavian Caesar (Luke 2 : 1-7). People translate this expression as whims, desires and ‘spirits’ direct them. It is also used whenever they want to do things related to DARKNESS, “afterall, we have been told to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s” they say. Or “even Jesus acknowledged Caesar -a worldly government.”
Now what does the expression mean?
In a bid to find a lawful reason to get their hand on him, they asked if it’s right to pay taxes to Caesar, a worldly monarch – whereas Jesus was teaching about the heaven kingdom, but ”knowing their wickedness” and thoughts, he said the tax money should be brought to him (Denarius were spent in those days), a coin was given to him. He asked them whose image and insription were on the brought coin, they answered Caesar’s, then he said to him things belonging to Caesar should be given to Caesar and God to God. But not after making them to realize that he knew what they were up to, “Why do you test me, you hypocrites?”
After Julius Caesar, a Roman statesman and general, was murdered, some persons succeeded him, they were referred to as The Legion of Caesars – Julius himself had no son to take power after him. There were also the first three called ‘The Triumvirs’.Caesars were ruling at this time, note John started preaching in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1-3).
This expression has been twisted to mean one can be tending to things of the world on one part, i.e worship of Mammon, giving and taking of bribe, fornication/adultery, etc. To me, the verses are not meant to be taking as Anthesis (a figure of speech). What is Anthesis? Anthesis can be defined as when the first word a line has its opposite at its end, e.g GOD made HEAVEN, Man made EARTH, GOD proposes, MAN disposes. People take the expression to mean CAESAR as the Satan or Worldly governments or Dark forces that its due should always be acknowledged and be given to, BUT to understand the expression one needs to check history and situation surrounding it.
Next question begging for answer is, why did he mentioned Caesar? It is normal of people to call current government by the name of the one presiding or governing it, i.e Buhari regime, Awolowo’s territory, Azikwe’s people. We even go as far as ‘accusing’ or ‘blaming’ the president or governor whenever some bad things happen in his time, or praise him if good things happen. SO IS THIS CASE OF CAESAR.
Now, read my little suggestion: “give, pay your due to Caesarian (government) what belongs to Caesar’s (government) and give, pay your due to God (kingdom) what belong to God’s (Kingdom).
This is a plain, straight and simple expression, it is never meant to be complicated. If only we learn things surrounding some words, they would be more comprehensible.
Questions are allowed.

SPECIAL THANKS: Adedeji Omoyeni Alice and Adedeji Ajisafe Atobatele

Desk Of Insanity,
Jimson Jaat Taofik,
The Tathargata:
[he who forth come to teach].

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