February 10, 2025

“For he whoever that wants to be ignorant,let him be ignorant” – 1 Cor. 14:38

Have you ever met some persons who have said (to you) that: “I wish I could copy your brain?!” Have you met some people who say: “I wish I know what you know?” These calibre of people hold the belief that intellects are small gods that have two or more heads and or are not the people of this world.

No matter how young an intellect (can be in age), they hold him/her sacred in such an hierarchy that, care is not taken, can imbibe feelings of superiority and of pride in the prospective scholar.

In drawing genres of people (literarily),we have:
1) The satark illiterate (can’t read or write).
2) The Illiterate literate (literate but their act say otherwise), and
3)Literate people (prospective scholars, philosophers, intellects).

It is shameful the rate by which low reading culture is establishing itself and or being established in the society. Too many people believe that books are a game of boredom, as one will be ‘tied down’ to piles of pages written by some bookish fellows who control minds of billions of people through their poppycock and balderdash.

Among beliefs people entertain is the fear that books make people to be mad, crazy or turn some people to something else. Well, on this I can only say: “it is not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it” – Lou Holtz.

Nobody can deny the positive effects it has been having on people for centuries.

Alas! You need to see how people roll their eyes balls in wonderment and bewilderment when prospective scholars (young as they are) quote books with accuracy, exactness, correctness, concreteness, clarity, conciseness, coherence, completeness and confidence with courtesy!

I guess this make them feel belittle (intimidated), and sensing they have something in common (ignorance), they discriminate the prospective scholar to discourage him/her and to make him join their (illiterate) wagon.

When you dwell into what these people use their 24-hours time gift for, you discover petty things like games, plays, movies, partying, back-biting amidst other idle games.

It isn’t that I don’t vote for ‘all-work-no-play-makes-Jack-a-dull-boy’ philosophy but I maintain: an hour or two dedication to knowledge pursuit daily will do some good to soul and body.

When you ask these ‘normal people’ that why are they not trying to learn some little things about their existence, their question always remain: “Is it necessary?”

It is amusing that the ignorant discriminate the intellect (why?!) They say the intellect are different. Intimidates them?

Unaccountable numbers of literary minds, readers, philosophers, religious leaders etc have read about the temptation of Satan without taking least notice of the most used phrase ”For It Is Written”.

Jesus, being made a priest by Melchizedek himself as evident in The Book Of Hebrew Chapter 7, knew what the Mosaic laws say and where and how, then it is no surprise that he used it to the advantage when Lucifer tempted him.

Even Satan tried to prove an intellect when he said Jesus should jump down because “for IT IS Written, angels shall be guarding your (Jesus’) feet and protect it from any harm!”

(It is not amazing that even Satan do read?!)

God be praised that Jesus knew the befitting answer, also in the laws,that “FOR IT IS WRITTEN that though shalt not test God, your Lord.”

Ignorance is becoming an epidemic plague in the society as people don’t know some ‘loose and slack’ things, even as low as family’s genealogy, some people don’t even know their Oriki and tribe they belong to (in Yoruba Nation), these people are just living life as they see it.

It has even got to graduates (the so called educated fellows) I was ashamed and almost crying when I was reading a year book, the other day, of HND graduates. The blunders were so terrible that I had to ‘re-installed the English application in my memory ‘cos I was sure it has gotten affected! (Naughty me).

Well, seeking for ‘shortcuts’ is no longer a new topic to be splitting inks on.

Religion is not left out in this map of ignorance as people thought that scriptures and their laws are made for scribes, pastors, sheikhs, alfas, religions’ scholars and leaders to understand. No wonder we are made bounded slaves of religions’ leaders as they, intellects, dedicate their time and energy to scriptures, and alas, The scriptures says whatever they say the scriptures says!

When you ask them why aren’t know some words of God, the questions are like: “is it necessary when some people are there (doing it for us)?” I think some of it determinants (peer influence,influence of civilisation, people’s talks, discrimination and boredom of being tied to books) actually make us victims of society and civilisation as we have seen and noticed people joining some sects without having essential knowledge about the sect.
Thanks be to Nature, we all have same hours per day all over the world. So one can decide what you want to dedicate your time to.
I can’t murder the facts of differences in brains, some physical and psychological problems, age and financial status.

Yet I maintain that there are many people with the same problems who are doing well in knowledge pursuit.
“He who ask questions will be a fool for 5 Minutes (in which what he/she asked will be explain to him),he who doesn’t ask will be a fool forever.”

I say: You cannot say: “It Is Written” when you don’t know what is written.
This is a lesson from Jesus’ (Eashoa) encounter with Satan.
“Let all things be done in good and accordingly manner” – 1Cor 14:40

Jimoh Taofik Adekunle
Apr 3, 2016
Facebook: Jimoh Taofik Adekunle
Phone: 08144510532
Email: Deskofinsanity96@gmail.com

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