In 2015 when I started posting my write-ups in the class group chat, the motives were two; to be corrected whenever I err, and to see how improved I would be along the way- not to be praised, laud, to be the masses voice, to advertise myself, regard great, etc – but instead for coursemates to see these things, as I intended, they started seeing a man of ten heads.
I started with poems, but I soon scrutinized my audience and see that not everybody could read and digest poetic lines; I had to drop them for synopsis. Before I knew it, I was getting reactions (obvious and private) from friends and foes. Some admired and some felt disguist; some praised and some abased; some felt proud (of penkraft) and some felt intimidated; everybody was doing as he pleases.
I wrote on friends, ideas, trending issues in the class, and on my humble self. Well, they soon made me an authority in literacy, a stern voice of the masses, but not without being subjected to criticisim, discrimination, threats, and petty offers. But when Jaat wouldn’t buldged they said my pen was a political tool for some people.
Looking back now, the allegations were funny, but they weren’t then; it was a ‘warfare,’ we were all trained about propaganda and my ‘friends’ used every bait they could come up with, even if it meant digging into my friends, my gf, my connections, my family tree!
I shall forever be grateful to my 3 male friends who never betrayed Jaat for some dinar, like Judas Iscariot, and my girl friend who was tempted but didn’t leave the boy. And some secret admirers who kept me abreast about tricks and baits of my ‘friends’ but wouldn’t want to be known.
Why do I post this? I can recollect that in those times I was a troubled mind, so I ran everywhere for refuge, there were people who promised shealter, but they were only lions in goats’ clothes, there were those I thought could never betray, but they did. In troubled times, there are people you expect would back you up, to your suprise they would only be looking at you like zombies if problems come. And no matter how close (bossom) you claim to be as friends, that doesn’t mean they won’t betray. And if their baits to nail you failed, they would still seek some way of getting close to you and ‘re-betray’ you.
So much. Just so much a lesson to learn in life from humans. The world remains the same as Allah created it; it is only humans that keep changing from bad to worse.
Desk Of Insanity,
Jimson Jaat Taofik,
The MAD Writer
(Making A Difference).
June 1, 2017