February 23, 2025

Dear Jaat,
This is one of my many letters from ME to YOU.
Young you are, and talented. Young you are, and gifted; you are a product of one God and 5 thousand teachers, but only if you will liste to this: I see pride, uncertainty, anxiety, curiosity, fear, and being at road-cross in you.
You have always believe in your God-given abilities and in expanding their coast,I know you detest ignorance; you take knowledgeable people and books your friends, and I am happy to tell you that ignorance hates you, too. Yet I ask: aren’t you seeing absurdity in your knowledge-seeking? I know that books opened your eyes, comfort, correct, heal, instruct you, but I think there should be a limit to everything. I know you don’t believe in limitations, too.
No one knows you than I do; an authority in a field of knowledge you want to be, a god of knowledge, should that be the case, you need to tighten, ‘buckle’ yourself up.
I know you haven’t feared, uncertained and anxious about the future like you currently do; what if I told you that you aren’t alone : there are a lot of people out there who do the same.
Praises everywhere you receive,I hope they aren’t getting into your head? If the truth ought to be spoken, I would say you are yet to know who you are, why praising a man who hasn’t discovered his full potentials
And on pride, I must confess you are a proud chap, maybe it’s because God has been good to you, maybe because every human has a seed of pride in them (like a #JaatThoughts says), I really don’t know. Just be prayerful that God shouldn’t abased you.
God, to you? The One you are just seeking to reconcile with? Alas, aren’t you growing theistic again? Because I can recollect you were once an atheist. God forbids you say? I hope he does!
Finally on this part one of this epistle, I can feel your anxiety, fear, aspiration, perspiration etc about the future. It seems the journey of how many God-knows years (you will spend on earth) depend on your now. The present. But everyone around you have been trying to motivate you that it’s going to be fine, yet you are ‘anxious in expectancy,’ Remember that this people collectively know you more than you can actually know yourself.
Moreover, don’t you trust Allah anymore? Hasn’t He been doing what you pray for? Inallah ma ash-shobur……wa ta wa shor o bil haqqi wa ta wa shor o bil shobur……Or you have been forgetting these?
And on your talents, gift,beliefs, the beginning, relationships etc you want to write? That would be in another epistle(s).
To be continued…………

Desk Of Insanity,
Jimson Jaat Taofik,
The MAD Writer,
(Making A Difference).
June 3, 2017

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